Saturday, 1 December 2018

Final crit of app

The feedback which was given in response to the final app wireframes was :

really good concept and idea
perhaps experiment with the text colour on the sausage rolls as its not the easiest to read - changing to black so can still have the text in the sausage roll as should be easier to read
perhaps characterise the sausage roll, like Kevin the carrot, of which would create a bigger marketing idea and concept, of which could be expanded with merch etc
don't need the nutritional information- not buying the sausage roll for the nutritional value- perhaps have it mentioned in the family bit or have a link of which would take you to the website instead
perhaps people can rate the stores - some do better sausage rolls/some burn them etc so people can rate and then you can see these ratings in order to also differentiate between the stores
for the snow scene for the temperature- have the background a colour also to keep the aesthetic the same between the three
the layout is clear and good as you can tell its Greggs - adheres to the brands values and imagery 
will the family bit- going to link to other quantities of products?? could add here the nutritional info or more serious information - small etc
question of how would they know how many is left etc - counting or someone typing in etc - look at how deliveroo show that the product is out of stock or not available

What to do next....

From the feedback, the points of which I'm going to further explore, is the information that is written on the sausage roll, with testing wether having it in black works better or not, with also trying more visuals. Also, I will test where to place the nutritional information, instead of having it on the main page of the sausage roll, perhaps placing it on the family page or having a link etc. Also, the idea of how the sausage roll being out of stock will be tested, perhaps having a crying sausage roll. overall, the feedback was positive and it effectively conveys Greggs with the humour whilst also holding the key conventions. 

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