Tuesday 30 April 2019

Change 4 life potato rating - project summed up

Project summed up

the issue is ; technology is making us lazy 

decided to tackle this with an app due to it being the most effective way of communicating the message due to most likely to see the message n a phone

for change 4 life who is a organisation that already have two apps - times at helping people to become healthier - ran by the public health England

the research of public health England who said that using apps and technology and social media is becoming a more purposeful and effective way of communicating the health message - becoming an important part of their marketing campaign 

aimed at parents with children - helping their family become healthier 

the app is approaching it in a easy, non patronising way - aims to asks questions and give you a rating - and then challenges so you can aim to reduce those problems and habits to be more healthy in a result - giving rewards

works alongside the other change 4 life apps 

having the option to share - want to be something which can be shared and people to ask 'what is your rating' and with the inclusion of the challenge with the tasks it gives parents the urge to change their habits and something which they can brag about if they managed to get to the top rating and not be a couch potato. With sharing it will spread the awareness to the topic, in a more lighthearted manner. 

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